
Thursday 27 October 2011

Halloween / Samhain – 31st of October

The last day of the Celtic year is almost upon us and it is in times like this that our inner child is revealed.

This is a time of partying, dressing up, bobbing for apples and making a mess. We want to laugh, to be scared and feel that rush of adrenalin. But we also want to mark the occasion solemnly, a remembrance of our ancestors, of those loved ones who have passed on as the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest at this time of year.

Unlike several of the other festivals of the Wheel of the Year, Hallowe’en is a fixed date. We do not wait for any seasonal signs for this particular date. It is the pivotal point on which the rest of the year rotates. As the majority of you already know what this date is, I don’t want to reiterate what you already know.

So how do we commemorate this occasion? A party? Absolutely, this is one of my favourite times of year and one time when I really do think a party is in order. But this year, having lost a parent, I personally will not be partying. I will be casting a circle and connecting with the energies I find within it.

This has also always been a time of divination. Crystal balls and scrying tend to be the most common forms at this time. Scrying is the art of looking into something (such as a candle flame, a dark bowl of water or a blackened mirror (using a crystal ball is in fact a type of scrying)) and using it as a focus for images to form.

I tend to find that in many cases, it is best to begin scrying with your own element. I am a fire sign, so I find staring into flames far easier than staring into a bowl of water, but do try each method and see what works best, and don’t forget incense smoke for air signs.

Look into the object and relax, becoming aware of your breathing. Don’t be afraid to blink, it won’t interfere with the process. Let any thoughts or images form in your mind and don’t worry if they seem irrelevant at the time. Write down any impressions you get at the end of your session.

For all of you, I hope you have a wonderful Hallowe’en/Samhain :-)

Please note: scrying in blue is a link to page on how to scry xx

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