
Sunday 22 September 2013

Autumn Equinox and beyond

Today is the Autumn Equinox (Spring if in Southern Hemisphere). It is, as we already know, a time of balance and reflection, a time of looking back over the past years to see what worked and what did not.

It is a time to discard that which did not help or improve our lives, and bring in new things that may help or improve our path/livestyle/general life.

While this is very much a time of spiritual reflection, it is also sitting on Libra, an air sign. Libra is also a cardinal sign, and so this is a time before a change. It is the lull, so use it wisely. As air, much is focussed on mental issues, such as study, creativity and meditation.

I like to light some incense (frankincense and sandalwood are great at this time of year), watch the moon sail through the night sky and reflect. Sometimes in meditation, sometimes on paper.

As this falls within the Vine moon, it is also a time of celebration, so be sure to have a good time, eat well and be merry.

This is a time of endings, just as the Spring equinox is one of new beginnings. We feel the summer passing away as the god has passed into the underworld. If you have any habits that you wish to rid yourself of (smoking, eating too much or eating the wrong things, or anything else for that matter), now is the time to do it. The full moon has just passed and it is a waning moon. As the week goes on, into the next, write down your issue you wish to be free of on a piece of paper, then burn it, sending it out into the universe. Always make tsure that you specifically state that you wish no harm to come to anyone as you do this.

On a practical side, this is the time of powercuts and storms, so making sure you are well prepared is essential. Having a few staples in supply is a must, as are candles, a gas cooker and/or gas heater if no fire, blankets and a few provisions in your car in the event you are caught out when on a trip.

For me, this festival is pensive, as well as uplifting. It is a solumn, thoughtful time, when we really take a long, hard look at ourselves with eyes open, honest. It can be liberating as well, to let go of any preconceptions you try to portray about yourself and other to the world around you. It is also a wonderful time to let go of any hurts you have been holding onto. Guilt, anger, regret, grief, anything negative that has a hold on you. Use a black stone and empty all these emotions into it. Then cast it into the sea, or place it into a bowl of salt water (swirl water around) before throwing it away.

Equinox blessings everyone x

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scotland about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback: The Island of the Mist is book 2 The Stone in the Sword is book 1 The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats: The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Saturday 7 September 2013

Celtic Month of Vine in Tree Calendar

This is the month of the vine, and a time of celebration. We have the happiness of the harvest and the remnants of the warm, later nights, before the long winter begins.

The vine is considered to be the celebration of joy and its wood was used as one of the nine woods for the balefire at Beltain. The vine is sacred to many deities, including the more obvious Bacchus/Dionysus, Venus and Minerva, and the less obvious Osiris, Demeter, Hathor, Rhea and Aphrodite.

Associations for this tree include the snake, tit-mouse and white swan, variegated colours although silver and burgandy are very strong at this time of year and the stone is an amethyst.

Types of magic used at this time of year are related to the harvest, joy, poetry, imagination and inspiration. Other types of magic include garden magic, faerie magic, spells of wrath, joy, exhiliration, prosperity fertility, mental powers, happiness and especially binding.

If you lack self esteem or suffer an inferiority complex, this is the time to work magic to improve this, with the leaves and fruit of the vine. Vine can also help with those looking for strength and to succeed in their ambitions.

Fertility is both in the harvest itself but also in preparing the garden for the year to come, as well as making the foods you are about to harvest are as good as they could be. In ancient Greece and Rome, this time would also have been spent in festivals of thanksgiving and revelry, and as a result, many babies would be conceived at this time :)

Because wine is the 'afterlife' of a grape, this tree is also a symbol of rebirth (hence the connection to Osiris). Of course, grapes are not the only vine fruit but they are one of the most common.

As this is the month of the Autumn Equinox, we are looking at ourselves in detail, watching how the year has affected us, what worked and what did not. We need to strengthen our bodies and minds for the coming winter and looking into courses on any crafty or cooking classes we might want to attend is a good step.

We are entering a very fecund time of year where nature has given us all the ingredients packed with nutrients that will keep us healthy over the coming winter. it is a good time to eat seasonally, stock up on potatoes (general as well as sweet), squashes/pumpkin, mushrooms, berries, pears, beetroot, plums, apples, cabbage, damson and mussels are all in season just now.

Getting into your kitchen is as important as getting out into nature, as food is nature. It is the first, deepest connection we have with the earth and the wheel of the year. Steer clear of processed foods, which have very little nutritional value and opt instead to pop some of these glorious foods into a soup, stew or a lovely crumble :D

BB and have a wonderful, colourful September!

On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:


And paperback:

and in the US:

My first book, The Stone in the Sword, is now reduced in price: