
Thursday 26 July 2012

July into August

This is a doing time of year. We want to be outside, moving aout, feeling the sun on our skin and smelling the breeze from the ocean. On the 21st of July we crossed from the Month of the Woodpecker to that of the Salmon. Salmon start their trip from the sea back to the rivers for spawning around this time. It is all about action. What do you need to do? What actions are needing to be carried out in your life at the moment?

We have also entered into the Holly tree from the oak tree. This occurred at the start of July,. the 8th. I always think of the Holly tree asa winter tree, so this surprises me every year!

Today (26th) is also the first quarter of the moon. So this is very much a doing time. If you want to do something, now is a very good chance.

As we approach August and the temperatures rise (or fall in the Southern hem), we come closer to the harvest that is Lughnasadh, or Lammas to many. In the Southern hem this is the time of Imbolc, of new beginnings, of brining Bride back into the home. For us in the north, it is a time of preparing for the winter ahead. We approach, slow and steady, like a galleon on open seas, the darker, colder days and try to make as ready as we can everything we will need to face that.

Lughnasah is about the feast. It is a time of games, of doing, competing and sharing. We need to gather for the coming time of less.

I've already seen chanterelle muchrooms in the woods! Quite early, as are the masses of rwan berries on the trees, a sign that winter will arrive earlier than usual. Many of the berries were already red and abundant, which is, I was always told as a child, a sign of a harsh winter ahead. it's a sign that the trees are trying to send out as many berries as possible to ensure some take and grow.

Bit of a babble this blog! Making things for Lughnasah, from pies and cakes, to stews and breads, cooking is part of the festival of light that is Lughnasadh. If you have children, play games and get them involved, if not, find games you can play yourself!

Enjoy the harvest!

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Monday 9 July 2012


Many pagans and witches especially go in for healing. Be it Reiki, Bowen therapy, Alexander Technique, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Crystal Healing etc, we all feel the need to heal. One thing many people do not do is heal themselves. As a Reiki master, the first thing we are taught, and teach, is healing yourself. This is what level one is all about. However, I know from experience that lots of us do not bother healing ourselves after this initial period and yet it can be so very beneficial.

Some forms of healing are not practical to do on yourself, Shiatsu for example, but for those of us who have been taught a form of healing that we can do on ourselves, why do we not bother with ourselves?

We are all very good at preaching but practising what we preach can be a great deal harder. While we may have excuses for not healing ourselves, such as time, tiredness etc, we know they are just that, excuses. |If we are really not well then no, we cannot heal ourselves but when we first start to feel that cold coming on, or fatigue etc, it is worth sitting ourselves down for a few minutes and offering our body what it needs, a little bit of TLC.

Another thing we can do for ourselves is taking ten minutes a day to re-connect with self. Meditating, yoga, taking a walk outside or just relaxing in a bath for this short amount of time is vital for our physical and emotional wellbeing, as well as our spiritual growth.

Meditation can be especially beneficial - 10 minutes can equate to an hours sleep. Stretching can increase stamina, flexibility and circulation of blood and oxygen through our body. Just ten minutes walking will give you fresh air and make you feel more connected with the earth and ground you!


I have written a book:

and in the US: