
Friday 30 November 2012

The Goddess

One thing I think many of us find lacking in our lives is finding the time to simply connect with the Goddess. This is so fundamental in pagaism, goddess spirituality and many other traditions/religions, that we almsot overlook it in our daily lives but it is so vital and something that, once youdo try it, is so uplifting, rewarding and empowering that we find ourselves wondering why we haven't done it before/continueddoing it.

The truth is, many of us find we lack the time, or we are feeling out of sorts and therefore in a bad place, not in the mood to do it.

By connecting, we gain new strength, insight, knowledge that we are not alone, love and humour in which we can feel renewed and ready to face anything.

Simple meditation will do this, as will little prayers.

I know, most people think of prayer and think Christianity, Islam and Judaism but prayer has been about for thousands of years, before any of these religions existed. Prayer is transreligious/prereligious and is not exclusive to any one path.

Spiral Goddess website is a wonderful place for such things. The link here is for the prayer and blessing section but please have a good look through this lovely site. Abby Willowroot wrote these lovely words and has copyright for them.

Do you have a partron deity or do you have a group that you like to connect with? As my site suggests, Bride/Brigit is my patron but I also love to visit with other goddesses and often ask help from other relevant deities. Try different pantheons occasionally, ones you would not necessarily noramlly use.


On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Monday 12 November 2012

November and Total Solar Eclipse

Firstly, I would like to talk about November. This month has a lot going on, especially this week.

Today is the end of the half month of Nagal, in the runic calendar, and tomorrow is the start of the half month Nyd. In the runic/norse tradition, november is the Fog Moon. I don't know where you live just now but here in Scotland it is misty at the moment and is looking to be misty all week, save Thursday! A aptly named moon, for a change :D

This week also sees the Festival of Feronia, a Roman festival information on this here: Feronia, as well as the birthdays of Israel Regardie (famous Golden Dawn member and writer)on Saturday.
Tomorrow night is also the New Moon, which makes tonight the Dark of the Moon. This i8s a very good time to look at yourself, to look at what you are working on, and for self dedications/self initiation. Hekate is the Goddess of this type of work, as she is the Goddess of initiations, of the dark of the moon and of the winter months which are almost upon us.

We are currently, in Native American tradition, in the Month of the Snake, which ends next week, 22nd. The 23rd will be the Month of the Owl. The Snake is all about wisdom, renewal and transformation.

On a Celtic note, we are in the Month of the Celtic Tree Reed (or Dwarf Elm here in the UK). This also ends next week - 24th - and the Elder takes over on the 25th. The Month of the Reed/Dwarf Elf is about the mysteries of death (again the association with Hekate) and the hidden basis for all life. It is a wonderful time of year to do divination and to use music in your magic, esp flutes/bagpipes/wind instruments. This tree is sacred to Saturn and Odin. This is a very good time to do psychic workings. Elm has great protective qualities 9can be used as protective talisman)and is a feminine tree. Using this tree in spells makes them more stable and more likely to go the way you want them to.

The Total Solar Eclipse takes place on the 13th (14th in Australia) of this month. It will be visible in the S Pacific, N New Zealand, N Australia and the very W parts of South America. Best of luck to anyone able to see it.

Eclipse energy is very special and if possible, should be used. It is the connection of the earth's eergy with that of the moon during the day and should be harnessed. This is earth and lunar magic at it's peak :D

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin