
Sunday 30 January 2011


Imbolc is the pagan festival of the return of Spring, the return of life to the land. It is most often on the 2nd of February (as it is this year) but it is always best to look outside and see whether the snowdrops are pushing through. This is the true sign of Imbolc.

At this time pagans, especially witches, wiccans and druids, celebrate by cleaning house and welcoming the spirit of spring into their homes and lives. It is a time of welcome, revival after winters harshness and a time of celebration.

Imbolc is a fire festival and the time of year most associated with the Goddess Brigid/Bride/Brede. Lighting candles is one of the easiest ways of welcoming her into our homes.

For more information on this wonderful festival from the wheel of the year, why not look at this article:

Enjoy and may light and warmth fill your home this spring :D

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Monday 24 January 2011

Do pagans all respect the environment?

This is a big question and initially I would say yes, but then you think about it and I think, well, mostly. There are a few people who just don’t think or don’t care about little aspects. Generally though, most pagans respect and want to help the environment.
Many pagans are vegetarians but the majority are not. While they love nature and work for the environment, they would rather choose ethically than cut out meat altogether.
Several pagans actively work for the environment but there are a few who do careless things, like leaving votive candles behind at sites, or tea lights on standing stones. A careless, thought-less act but not intentional.
I once heard of some witches who set fire to lichen, not realising that lichen is a living ‘animal’.
This is the thing that really jerks my chain. Ignorance. It’s ok, I didn’t know. Well, alas, it’s not ok. If you don’t know better, learn. When you make a claim, like I’m a Witch/Wiccan/Pagan etc, you are also stating you respect nature. At least have the decency to look into that which you allege to respect.
This is not an attack at any individual. This is a general voicing of discontent towards anyone, regardless of their spiritual path, who state one thing but act out of accord with that path.
Many people like to spout ‘harm none’ without actually thinking about what that means. All I am asking is for these same people to look into things a little, take a few minutes to think about their actions and possible consequences and take a breath before they do anything that may indeed harm.

Friday 21 January 2011

The waning moon in the clearing part of the year

HolgerVaga - Waning Moon IV (by)

January and February are called the clearing (or cleansing) part of the year. We get rid of those things that have held us back, that are no good for us or that we simply do not require anymore.

At the moment, we are entering the waning moon. This is also a time of letting go. So now is a good time to do a clear out in any sense of that word.
Starting a healthy, short term detox is a good idea if you wish, at this time of year.

Clearing out junk in the house.
Ridding yourself of unhealthy relationships.
Healing spells that call for ridding yourself of illness/addictions etc are best done now.

This is a time of taking stock of anything negative and getting rid of it. Be careful with regards to people. If you truly want someone gone from your life make sure to add, harming none. While you may not want them in your life, you equally (I hope) do not wish harm to them.

Negative thoughts (I mean towards yourself specifically) are best being cleared at this time as well. If you have phobias, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, think negatively about yourself in any way, you should cast these thoughts/emotions out, any clearing spell will work with this. Meditations and visualisations will work too.

Forgiving those who have wronged you is also best done at this time of the year. Not to release them but to release you from hanging on to them and what they did to you. When we forgive, a part of ourselves is lifted up, and we realise our anger/hatred towards them was holding us back.
For more information on the moon, have a look at this:

May all you wish to be free of be carried away with the waning moon.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

The wonderful world of crystals

Many people have mixed feelings about crystals. Some love them and use them by the truckload, while others won’t touch them with a barge-pole.

The thing is, our ancestors used them without whim, but would have used them sparingly. They did not have the dilemma that mining brings.

My old teacher once told me that crystals were the veins of the earth, that we were killing it by mining them. This is not true. If we want to use a human body as an analogy we should state that they are parts of the uppermost skin cells of the body, and what we are doing is not harming the earth (the workers is another matter altogether). I have a degree in Geology, so I say that with a level of authority.

Back to the ethical debate. The mining itself, and the exploitation of the workers is the real ethical dilemma. This is one that I do take issue with. Mass production means that many of the miners are working for pennies a week! I am not telling you what to, I simply ask you to choose carefully, and wisely.

There are ethically sourced shops/companies out there that, while slightly more expensive, are most definitely worth it. You don’t need hundreds of crystals. I can’t think of a need for more than twenty or so. You require a minimum of 7 for a full healing, and these crystals should not be used for any other purposes.

Also, there are a great variety of crystals you can find:
• Riverbeds
• Beaches
• Caves (be careful not to get lost)
• Quarries (go with a guide), there are many ways of obtaining the most common of minerals. Polishing them is easy enough, many people know someone with a rock tumbler. Failing that, simply clean it up, cleanse it and use at your convenience.

In conclusion, crystals are amazing items to have in your spiritual arsenal and are not the evil that many people portray, nor are they the pretty little trinkets that others see them as. Choose according to your own ethics.

Here’s an introduction to their properties if you’ve never worked with them before:

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:

The Island of the Mist is book 2

The Stone in the Sword is book 1

The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:

The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

Monday 17 January 2011

Working with Chakras

Chakras are one of the most useful 'tools' on any spiritual journey.

Chakra literally means wheel.  We all have them, but few of us know anything about them, or how to utilise them.  Working with our chakras improves our health, well being and understanding of spirit.

The two links here are to articles on chakras to get you started, rather than repeating them on here.  I do hope you will try the exercises and gain a new insight.  Please read the first link before going onto the next.

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Thursday 13 January 2011



Why is it, that when pagans gather, they tend to attack the Wiccans?  Before I go any further, I should stress that I am not a Wiccan.  I am a witch but not a Wiccan.  I have not been initiated and do not seek to be but I do have respect for what essentially turned me on to paganism, as it has done many other people in the world.

Yes, there are some Wiccans out there who take themselves far to seriously, and those who are most assuredly seeking attention.  This is not Wicca, it is a few idiot Wiccans, and therein lies the difference.

Wicca is a nature-based religion which shows respect for male and female deities, has a hierarchical system and acknowledges the phases of the moon (have a look at this article for more information on the moon -  It is not something to ridicule, disrespect or otherwise make nasty fun of (everyone should be able to laugh about themselves, and their faith but nasty comments are another matter).  Please note, I am not a fluffy bunny either.  I just like to respect other faiths (don’t even get me started on the assaults on Christianity).

So next time you’re about to take the you know what out of your fellow pagan (Wiccan), stop, then try to make it light-hearted if you must go on.  After all, the re-appearance of paganism is, in large part, due to the resurgence in Wicca.

Blessings of the growing moon upon you :D

Wednesday 12 January 2011

An Introduction to Planetary Magic

A Brief Introduction to Planetary Magic

What is Planetary Magic?
Just as it sounds.  Magic using the planets.  In this brief introduction, I’ll skim over each of the planets used in magic and their properties, do a very quick correspondence for each one, to get you started, and a bit on different ways to use it.

The Planets:
The Sun – Healing, confidence, friendship, growth
Mercury – Communication, travel, memory, science
Venus – Love, harmony, fertility and prosperity
The Moon – Psychic realm, intuition, subconscious
Mars – Strength, courage, power, aggression
Jupiter – Success, money, expansion, leadership
Saturn – Boundaries, time, obstacles, wisdom


There are many different correspondences out there, from the crystal, to the animal, to the incense.  Here are a couple to get you started.
The Moon – Day = Monday, Colour = Purple or Silver, Metal = Silver
Mars – Day = Tuesday, Colour = Red, Metal = Iron
Mercury – Day = Wednesday, Colour = Orange or Pale Blue, Metal = Quicksilver
Jupiter – Day = Thursday, Colour = Royal Blue, Metal = Tin
Venus – Day = Friday, Colour = Green, Metal = Copper
Saturn – Day = Saturday, Colour = Black, Metal = Lead
The Sun – Day = Sunday, Colour = Yellow/Gold, Metal = Gold

How to use

There are many different ways to use Planetary magic.  We’ll touch on a few but focus on their more general use – in spells.  Here is an example of how you would use planetary magic:
You need to do a spell for harmony and success at work.  Everything is a bit stressed and you’re not sure things are going to work out.
Because the focus is on work/career, you want to do your spell on a Thursday.  As you also wish for harmony, you want to use the colour green (Venus), as well as a deep blue (say in your candles, or ribbons etc).  So you would use 5 candles (as this is the number for Jupiter), a mixture of blue and green in colour.  An alternative to this is to use 1 candle and have 5 ribbons on the candle holder (well away from flame).  You can use incense that is for either Jupiter, or Venus, or both.  If you use the incense for Venus, you can use an essential oil for Jupiter.

You’re now ready to begin.  Cast your circle – creating sacred space, clearing the area.  Do what you normally do for this, everyone is different.  When you are ready, take the candle(s) in your hand.  Anoint it/them with the essential oil, as you do, think of the intent (in this case harmony and success at work).  Don’t think about the disharmony, see the harmony, see yourself winning an important bid, your colleagues and yourself reaping the rewards etc.  When the anointing is finished, light the candle and focus your intent on it once again.  If you are a reiki user, infuse the candle with reiki energy at this time too.  Keep the candle lit for a while, then snuff the candle.  The following night, re-light it, again focusing your intent.  Do this for several nights on a growing moon.  When candle has burned down to nothing, let the magic take effect.

Most magic would be done on a growing moon, up to the full moon.  Don’t start magic on the full moon, as it will peak then, and the waning moon takes over.
If you want rid of something in your life, use the waning moon.
Example – someone is ill.  It’s a waning moon, so rather than do an increase of health, do a decrease in illness.  The symptoms ease off with the passing moon.  The grip it has on the patient/client/friend eases off until is has no hold on him/her anymore.

Talismans etc

This is another aspect of planetary magic.  You can make them using paper (of the colour that corresponds), draw symbols or write what it is you wish to happen.
You are in need of money so that you can go on holiday.  This is important because you haven’t had one in a while, and you could really do with a break.  You make a talisman to get the right energies going in the right direction.  You use green paper (Venus covers prosperity), and orange pen (Mercury covers travel).  You write what it is you need.  Again, you can use the corresponding incense and candles while casting this spell.  Draw the symbols for Venus and Mercury on the paper.  Again, infuse the paper/writing with your intent.  Fold and wrap in some silk or cotton and keep away somewhere safe until spell has worked.

This can also be done with herbal charms, amulets etc.

Planetary magic is a useful tool and done well is a powerful one.  Enjoy :D 

Wanting more magical information, here's an article on Winter magic

Monday 10 January 2011

The caduceus as a spiritual tool

What is it?  Where did it come from and what does it represent?

The caduceus is thought to be as old as Babylonian times (approx 3,000 to 4,000 BCE) and is a staff with 2 intertwining snakes winding up its length.  It is the staff of Hermes (Messenger of the gods, also a god himself) in the Greek pantheon, and his counterpart, Mercury in the Roman.

The staff was a symbol of the planet Mercury, as well as the element and was used in alchemy and in magic (the qabalah as well).

Among other things, it represents commerce, communication, travel and thresholds.  It's colours are both light blue and orange (these are the gods, which the staff represents).

Not to be mistaken for the Rod of Asclepius (son of Apollo), which has but one snake, not winged.

For a little more detail, have a look at this article:

If you are looking for something to meditate on, the symbol of the caduceus, with or without wings, is a good place to start. 

Enjoy this?  Have a look at the origins of the 4 winds, used in witchcraft/magic/wicca/ceremonial magic etc