
Sunday 8 April 2012

Spring is now in the air!

The flowers are blooming, the grass is green and the birds are singing their hearts out. Spring is here with a vengeance!

This time of year is less about inner work and much more about external work. We want to be outside, in the air, with the sun on our skins. Ok, in Scotland, the latter is often harder to get a hold of but we all feel like doing a Julie Andrews in the 'Sound of Music'!

Getting out, even just for a wee walk, is re-connecting with nature. Feeling the ground beneath your feet is a way of drawing earth energy into us. Drawing air into our lungs blows out the cobwebs.

Beltain is fast approaching and this is a wonderful time for fertility magic, for any form of creative magic and for beginning new artistic projects. This is when we are most connected with the earth, when we feel the 'sap rising', the wonderful energy from below that is brought up in the Spring to keep us regenerated through the Summer.

Enjoy the waking of the earth!

A great book to get you going, a book that has pagan references and Sidhe/fairy/fey featuring is this: