
Wednesday 25 May 2011

Partial Solar Eclipse: 1st of June 2011

On the 1st of June, there is a partial solar eclipse and will be visible from high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. In ancient times, eclipses were seen as negative events but today we known this to be a misconception.

What does this mean for pagans? For the most part, not a lot but you can use the energy in spells or for meditation should you chose.

As you will be aware, a solar eclipse in when the sun is blocked out in part, or wholly by the moon. So we could say this is a melding of lunar and earth energy, which is why it is very good for meditation or any inner workings (lunar), or any earth-based spells and grounding work.

If you have a preference for shamanic workings, or other trance workings, this is a good time to do it.

As mentioned, this is a time of part lunar energy and so any psychic work will go well on this day. Although it is a partial eclipse, it is still a powerful time.

Divination would be a perfect way to go on this day – especially with a crystal (the combination of earth and lunar energies). It doesn’t have to be a crystal ball, a fair sized crystal held in the hand would suffice.

The other way to tap into these energies would be to connect with lunar and earth deities that you have been trying to meet/ask something of/honour.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope the partial solar eclipse will bring good tidings and a greater awareness of the energies around you.

NB: Just to prove that there is always balance in nature: there is another partial solar eclipse on the 1st of July in the southern hemisphere – if you live in the southern hemisphere – this will apply to you then.

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