
Monday 1 September 2014

Autumn Equinox and Virgo

We are on the cusp of Autumn, my favourite time of year. The colours, the scents, the crisp air, all make me feel alive and vibrant. Everything is at its most at this time of year. We are also approaching the Autumn Equinox (called Mabon). This is a time of balance and reflection, of looking at who you have been and what you have done over the last year. It is time to let go of the things that hold us back or do not serve us, and keep those things that make us happy, or think of new practices to begin that can bring joy into our lives. September is a contradiction in terms. It is celebratory and reflective, joyous and analytical.

We are entering the darker half of the year, when Hekate emerges from her threshold, half her face still hidden in the shade, the other half turned to face the Atumnal sun. She holds a lit torch in one hand and a set of keys in the other. We are entering the mysteries, the path inwards, where initiation truly takes place.

Demeter still calls out as the harvest has not fully taken place. Yemaya still holds sway over the water but the dark ones await the days that shrink, when the nights stretch out and the northern hemisphere once again becomes enshrouded in Night.

September's full moon has 2 names. The Vine moon in Celtic Tree lore (see my post from this time last year), and the Harvest Moon, because it is the main harvest month, and because this moon is usually that little bit brighter (not as bright as Hunter's Moon next month though).

We are now fully into the sign of Virgo - mutable earth. She is often depicted holding a sheath of wheat. Virgo, the vigrin, is all about the subtlety of the intellect, service and critical analysis. She is a symbol of feminism, not in the sense of Aphrodite but in the sense of Athena, in that she is wise and idealistic. However the usually discriminating eye of Virgo can become cynical and skeptical when faced with disappointment. Mercury governs Virgo, and as such, communication is a key feature in this zodiacal month. Always remember that Mercury is also a Trickster, like Coyote or Loki, and as such magic practiced in this month should be ever watchful that all parmetres of your spell are carefully marked, in case you open the door for the Trickster to enter (be careful what you wish for).

A few correspondences for you:
Colour: lighter blues and orange (much like Mercury), less so olive green
Flower: Cornflower, Rosemary, Lily
Plant: Ivy
Stones: Sapphires, aquamarine, carnelian, corundum
Tarot: The Hermit & Queen of Pentacles
Animal: Cock & Squirrel
Number: 6

I am currently focussing on working with runes - more magically than for divination. I find that using runes as sigils can bring about real and great change. They tap into an old section of your brain and make a real connection.

With the intellectually awakening Virgo we enter the 'learning' phase of the year. Our brains awaken after a hearty summer and want for stimulation. Given that Virgo is a month of counselling, really looking at yourself and knowing what you want/who you are, the perfect phrse for Virgo, to me, is 'Know Thyself'.

On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scotland about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback: The Island of the Mist is book 2 The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats: The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin

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