
Thursday 3 March 2011

New Moon, New Life

The New Moon forms tonight, Friday the 4th of March.

This is a time of beginnings, between now and the 19th, when the moon reaches full fruition.

It is now that you should begin anything you are seeking to undertake, be it a new job, project, eating plan, exercise plan, artwork, healing, anything you wish to start, to get off the ground, now is the time.

Starting a-fresh is also best done now. Putting negative thoughts/periods of your life/friendships behind you and embarking on a new phase, especially after this particularly harsh clearing of February, when so many souls returned to the source.

Rejoicing in life, fully grieving and stepping over that hurdle are all part of the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

March is the time of rebirth. Everything is coming to life in nature, celebrate and live life to the full.

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