Monday, 17 December 2012
Yule - a God Festival
Yule, or Winter Solstice, is classed as a god festival, as it is the time when the god is reborn. As we know, Christ was not born in December, but rather around October but his birth date was moved forward to cover this pagan festival, a time in which Mithras returns to the world, bringing the light with him. Balder, the Norse God, is also associated with this time of year, and is classed as a Holly God.
This is not to say that the Goddess is ignored - far from it but she does go into recuperation here, to reappear rejuvinated as the maiden at Imbolc.
The festivals at this time celebrated the return of the light, not because, as many patronising scholars believe, that they feared it would not return, but because they celebrated the increasing length of the day, moving out of the long dark nights.
Our ancestors burned the yule log as a form of protection and as a symbol of that light. This log was large, to last as long as possible. Stories were told, food was elaborate and drinking and dancing was a must. Life was short in these times and so much more precious as a result. They did not have our antibiotics, central heating, supermarkets for food whenever they needed it. In this we are very lucky and I find myself shaking my head at people who wish to harken back to 'the old days' - when food was scarce, women were objects and if you were of a different land/colour you were treated poorly.
I am thankful to have been born in these times. while I think too many people still ignore nature, I am thankful that we have advanced medically (although some of those advances have high side effects), academically and liberally.
As you will know, Yule is also the Winter Solstice. This year it is on the 21st of December but that is not always the case, as the position of the sun changes each year. It is always between the 20th and 22nd though.
Wherever you are, whomever you are with I hope you have a wonderful, warm and merry yule.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
the god,
The Goddess,
winter solstice,
yule log
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Storytelling and Creativity
The Winter Solstice is a time for storytelling. Now many people may think that this doesn't apply, as they don't have children. Well you don't need to have children or work with children to do this - you can write stories down. This can be purely for yourself, or as potential books. Storytelling does not have to be children's stories. This is a creative activity that keeps your synapses firing through the winter months. It is an age-old tradition and one that brings creativity into other aspects of your life.
You don't have to limit your storytelling. You can paint a scene, work it into a tapestry/crochet/weaving/stained glass etc.
This is the time of year for doing indoor activities and for tapping into your psyche. This can be carried over into ritual, used to learn more about a god/dess myth/hero legend.
If you are not very good at beginning this kind of activity there are storytelling cards out there. Alternatively, look at your pack of tarot cards and see if one of these has enough on it to get your creative juices flowing - in fact, looking at any kind of painting/picture or listening to music can help in this kind of activity.
Best wishes and BB.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Yule Approaches
As we approach the dark of the moon, it is a good time, given the time of year, to think about what we have lost, given up, cast aside, or is not currenty working out in our lives. We want to pave the way for a happy and warming Yule, and so doing this now is both beneficial and timely.
Yule is the time of year when we think of family, of feasting and of giving. It is time for gathering round the fire (if you're lucky enough to have one) and of telling stories and eating well.
In these hard times it is a good idea to thnk about money as well. Rather than buying your child those expensive toys/gifts, why not make something for them>? That goes for friends and relatives alike. You don't have to be able to knit/crochet or make jewellery, although all of these are wonderful ideas. All you need is to be able to bake. If your kids don't appreciate home baking them make up a pack of games for them. Cards that have ideas written on them - 'pretend you're lost in a forest - how would you find your way out?' and so on. It stimulated the imagination and can keep them amused for days.
Remember gifts thwt were homemade that you got as a child and enjoyed them - make them for your own children.
Adding the personal touch at Yule can be far more rewarding than spending a fortune. We will be baking most of our gifts this year as finances are very tight.
I wish you, one and all, great blessings this yuletide!
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Friday, 30 November 2012
The Goddess
One thing I think many of us find lacking in our lives is finding the time to simply connect with the Goddess. This is so fundamental in pagaism, goddess spirituality and many other traditions/religions, that we almsot overlook it in our daily lives but it is so vital and something that, once youdo try it, is so uplifting, rewarding and empowering that we find ourselves wondering why we haven't done it before/continueddoing it.
The truth is, many of us find we lack the time, or we are feeling out of sorts and therefore in a bad place, not in the mood to do it.
By connecting, we gain new strength, insight, knowledge that we are not alone, love and humour in which we can feel renewed and ready to face anything.
Simple meditation will do this, as will little prayers.
I know, most people think of prayer and think Christianity, Islam and Judaism but prayer has been about for thousands of years, before any of these religions existed. Prayer is transreligious/prereligious and is not exclusive to any one path.
Spiral Goddess website is a wonderful place for such things. The link here is for the prayer and blessing section but please have a good look through this lovely site. Abby Willowroot wrote these lovely words and has copyright for them.
Do you have a partron deity or do you have a group that you like to connect with? As my site suggests, Bride/Brigit is my patron but I also love to visit with other goddesses and often ask help from other relevant deities. Try different pantheons occasionally, ones you would not necessarily noramlly use.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Monday, 12 November 2012
November and Total Solar Eclipse
Firstly, I would like to talk about November. This month has a lot going on, especially this week.
Today is the end of the half month of Nagal, in the runic calendar, and tomorrow is the start of the half month Nyd. In the runic/norse tradition, november is the Fog Moon. I don't know where you live just now but here in Scotland it is misty at the moment and is looking to be misty all week, save Thursday! A aptly named moon, for a change :D
This week also sees the Festival of Feronia, a Roman festival information on this here: Feronia, as well as the birthdays of Israel Regardie (famous Golden Dawn member and writer)on Saturday.
Tomorrow night is also the New Moon, which makes tonight the Dark of the Moon. This i8s a very good time to look at yourself, to look at what you are working on, and for self dedications/self initiation. Hekate is the Goddess of this type of work, as she is the Goddess of initiations, of the dark of the moon and of the winter months which are almost upon us.
We are currently, in Native American tradition, in the Month of the Snake, which ends next week, 22nd. The 23rd will be the Month of the Owl. The Snake is all about wisdom, renewal and transformation.
On a Celtic note, we are in the Month of the Celtic Tree Reed (or Dwarf Elm here in the UK). This also ends next week - 24th - and the Elder takes over on the 25th. The Month of the Reed/Dwarf Elf is about the mysteries of death (again the association with Hekate) and the hidden basis for all life. It is a wonderful time of year to do divination and to use music in your magic, esp flutes/bagpipes/wind instruments. This tree is sacred to Saturn and Odin. This is a very good time to do psychic workings. Elm has great protective qualities 9can be used as protective talisman)and is a feminine tree. Using this tree in spells makes them more stable and more likely to go the way you want them to.
The Total Solar Eclipse takes place on the 13th (14th in Australia) of this month. It will be visible in the S Pacific, N New Zealand, N Australia and the very W parts of South America. Best of luck to anyone able to see it.
Eclipse energy is very special and if possible, should be used. It is the connection of the earth's eergy with that of the moon during the day and should be harnessed. This is earth and lunar magic at it's peak :D
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Runes and divination
This is the time of year we tend to turn inward and begin looking to our studies in the field of witchcraft, druidry etc. We also look for guidance from divinatory and oracular sources.
Runes have been about for well over a millenia. They were used by Norse, Celtic, Saxon and a whole host of other peoples through time and were both used to divine the future and guidance and for protection/cursing and other forms of ward, amulet and talismen.
Runes are similar to the tarot in that each symbol has a meaning and together they tell a little about a situation or possible outcomes. Unlike the tarot, runes can also be used to protect possessions and homes, cars, people and so on. They draw in the energy that they symbolise.
A good introduction to runes is
Actually, the principles range is good for many introductions to things - like wicca, paganism etc.
This book offers information on empowering yourself, healing, magic and divination. it's a great read if you can get it.
Runes hae been used in magic for a very long time and are often overshadowed by the tarot because they are seen as less glamorous, are not featured in movies as muchand just don't look as 'cool' as thecardsbut theyare at least as powerful. I strogly recommend dipping into this very useful system and making your own runes will offer far more power than any sop/internet bought set. Use wood, stone or bone.
Best of luck onyour journey :D
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Friday, 5 October 2012
The witching month
This is the busiest and most witchy time of the year. Indeed, the Celtic (which also happens to be teh witch as well) New Year takes place on Hallowe'en.
October is the month of divination, crafts and getting out and about while its still warm enough to do that.
At this time of year we tend (for those of us inclined) to get the knitting needles/crochet hooks out, sewing kits, paints or whatever else you like to do that's crafty, to make things for the coming winter. These can be practical, for staying warm, or as gifts for others. This is why it is called witchCraft. We begin baking and really making home homey.
At the same time we want to know a little bit more about ourselves/our futures/ loved ones futures. We look inward for answers.
Divination comes in many forms, These include scrying, tarot, runes, crystal ball, oracles/omens, ogham and many other forms of looking.
We can also better see the skies at this time of year and this month we have 2 separate meteor shower. On the 7th and 8th of October are the Draconids (a good time to use ancestral spells/shamanic ancestor workings, anything to re-connect with family) and on the 21st are the Orionids (very good for astral work, connecting with the akashic records and past life regression works).
Both meteor showers are also a time for working with 2 elements in particular - fire and air.
Working on these nights is almost as powerful as working with storm energy but half as dangerous!
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Harvest Moon
This is the last moon of the mother, before we enter the time of the Crone. It is the harvest moon, the time of plenty and feasting before the time of strife, cold and inner learning.
The Harvest Moon is the full moon aclosest to the Autumn Equinox. it is always in September and it was with the light from this moon that farmers would be able to bring in the last harvest.
This is a time of enjoying the last bounties of the autumn before winter sets in and we have fewer fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables available.
At this time of year we start to want to learn new crafts and try new spells/meditations/divinations. It is a time of devling inward and learning more about ourselves.
If you have never tried scrying, now is a good time to start. It is about losing focus while focussing on an object. A candle or a silver coin in a dark bowl of water, or a crystal or incense. Focus on it and then let that focus pause, so you are almost looking at the space between the object and your nose (and I don't mean looking at the floor - it's like taking a step out of yourself). There's a good chance you won't see or feel anything initially - it can be a little uncomfortable and frustrating at first but do persist. This unlocks a door within your mind that holds magic and meditations, akashic records and spirit guides.
We are an ever evolving species and it is through working with other levels of our mind that we will continue to evolve.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
harvest moon,
Mother goddess,
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Fertility Goddesses
Many people feel that the Spring time is the best time to do these kinds of spells and while I would agree that Spring is the best time of year, any time can be just as viable.
I feel that, before I go any further, I should make a couple of points. If you have actively been trying for a baby for more than a year, go to the doctor. If you have had at least 2 miscarriages (both with confirmed pregnancies before), go to the doctor. There are many reasons people cannot conceive and in many cases, it’s the stress of trying to have a baby. People will say, just relax, it’ll happen. I always found this to be the least helpful thing someone could say, because trying to relax can be one of the most stressful things you can do!
Another more mundane issue – if you are trying for a baby – cut out non-prescription drugs, alcohol, undercooked meat and undercooked eggs (no runny yolk alas). If you happen to like an occasional spliff, stop taking this as it will affect your chances of conceiving.
Finally, regular exercise before pregnancy is a good idea. Yoga is excellent but remember to switch to yoga for pregnancy exercises when you know you are pregnant, as there are many yoga poses you cannot do when pregnant.
So, onto the mother Goddesses:
Demeter – Greek mother goddess of fecundity, the harvest and abundance. Many prayed to her for babies, given how protective she was with her own daughter.
Ceres – Demeter counterpart in Rome, she is the mother of grain, fertility and agriculture.
Isis – perhaps the most famous Goddess around, her image was taken by Christianity and swapped for Mary and the baby Jesus. She is a mother Goddess, deity of the heavens and waters and much, much more.
Epona – Gaul/Briton or Celtic mother Goddess. Famous for running and winning a race while heavily pregnant.
Hera – given a bad rep due to Xena Warrior princess (:D), she is the penultimate Greek mother goddess.
Gaia – ultimate Greek mother goddess.
Rhea – a titan Goddess, mother of Zeus.
Frigg – wife of Odin, a Norse mother Goddess.
Durga – perhaps THE Hindu mother Goddess.
Akka – Finnish mother Goddess – her daughter, Sarakka, was especially beneficial to pregnant women.
There are many other out there. This is just a few. If there is a particular pantheon that you prefer to work with then use that pantheon. I have no particular pantheon, although I do work with a patron deity. I tend to ‘borrow’ others when I need to.
A small prayer to this deity that you choose to work with is usually a good place to start. A lot of pagans/witches think of praying as purely a Christian thing but this is very much not the case.
You can draw the energy of this mother deity in to you as the moon grows, asking her to help you conceive, or if you have conceived, to keep the baby, that both you and the baby remain healthy and well throughout the pregnancy.
Bride/Brigid is a midwifery deity. If you are successful and do not have a particular pantheon, or use the Celtic pantheon, she may be a good deity to ask for assistance from during labour.
Wishing you all the best. xxx
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Thursday, 13 September 2012
OK, probably going to get a lot of flack for this but this is me stating opinion and not telling people how to live.
Hexing is a form of cursing and is something you do not take on lightly. Indeed, many, if not most pagans would say it is something you should never touch. I don't agree but I have a big, big rule about this (and I'd like to stress that I have never cursed or hexed anyone and I hope to never do it).
That big, big rule is JUSTICE. You do not hex or curse someone who bullies you, as much as you'd like to, or someone who stole your boyfriend/girlfriend. Now if someone stabbed said partner and got away with it, then hexing may be in order.
Many people, Wiccans especially, believe in the rule of 3 - that which you give out comes back to you x3. Now, as a scientist I know this is physically impossible but what you give out DOES come back - that's the law of physics for you. So you must be very, very sure about what you are doing when it comes to hexing. Having justice on your side is, I feel, the only way you can avoid a lot of crap.
Hexing is something for serious injustices. A loved one is raped or murdered and the perpetrator gets away with it, somebody otherwise physically and emotionally scarred by an attack and the perpetrator gets away with it and so on. See the pattern here? If someone goes to jail for the crime, then you cannot on all consciousness hex them, as they are being punished. This is less about vengeance and more about balancing the scales.
Some people say that karma catches up with these people eventually. I don't agree, but again, that's a personal opinion.
The amount of energy and darkness you need to put into a hex to make it work means you need to have some serious but controlled anger. Injustice gives you that.
The other thing is that in this the punishment should not suit the crime - we are not christians of old, and an eye for an eye is simply petty. You want justice, so making your intended so uncomfortable that they need to confess is the key.
I'm not going to give out any spells. Any I know are dark and nasty and I don't think they should be made public. I'm sure there are spells on the internet that work fine. Obtaining something from the person - a hair or nail, or even an object is usually called for. This is not sympathetic magic, it's full on dark stuff and the only way to stay clear of that negative energy is to do this with love in your heart for the victim and anger for the injustice done.
I do ask that anyone thinking of hexing someone needs to take a long hard look at the reasons why they are doing it first, the possible repercussions and how they are going to go about it.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Monday, 10 September 2012
The autumn equinox is almost upon us, being on the 22nd of September this year. As mentioned in the previous post, it is about contrasts, night and dark, light and dark, inner and outer. This is a time of balance and taking a long hard look at ourselves.
A very good ritual is to spend some time looking over the good and bad of the last year. Write them down. What would you change about any decisions you have made in this time? What do you wish to accomplish in the next year?
This is a highly psychological testing of ones self. In the old days, for those inclined, this would have been a time of vision questing, of looking ahead as well as behind.
This is also a highly practical time for looking at your home and lifestyle, preparing for the winter ahead. Do you have a back-up plan for when the inevitable power cuts happen? Candles, matches, an alternative sounrce of heat. Many older people die due to lack of heating in winter blackouts. It is a good time to make sure elderly neighbours are also prepared. Do you ha=ve a gas cooker, or a camping stove? It is a good time to stock up on tinned provisions and for making sure we have a reliable can opener :D
A check-up at the doctor is a good idea fi you have nopt had an annual MOT. Get a check-up, make sure you are up to date with your medications and you have some salt stored up for icy pathways.
It is a good time to go through your book stores and see what you wish to keep and wish to pass on, either selling or giving to charity.
A spiritual ritual for the equinox is to light a candle or lantern and set it onto water, which is moving away from a shore - so a river or the sea. However, many people complain about candlewax so lanterns may be a better option. This is a symbol of saying farewell to the light, and you can add a promise, wish or blessing with it.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Thursday, 6 September 2012
It’s my favourite time of the year and colour is bursting everywhere! Rowan berries weigh the trees down and leaves are turning reds, golds and oranges. Flowers are still in bloom and the sky is a myriad of unusual colours every day and evening. The earth breathes in before the long cold winter ahead.
It’s a bit chillier up here in the highlands of Scotland, so we have the wood burner on already, just to take the edge off the chill and keep the damp at bay. If the rain would stop long enough we would go foraging for mushrooms and any berries the birds may have left on the bushes.
It is the time of year to take stock of all that has happened of the last year, to weigh our pluses and minuses, to measure our adventure through life. What will we change about ourselves, our life, work and play over the next year?
The Equinox brings that time of looking hard at ourselves, out expectations and stopping anything that isn’t working. It is about the balance of light and dark, positive and negative, of night and day and the initiation process. Do we begin courses now, or look within?
This is one of the most challenging times of year because it requires us to be extremely honest with ourselves and with our lives. We need to know what measures up and to cut what doesn’t.
This is the time of study and that may be, as mentioned, a course, or study into our own psyche.
Good hunting :D
On another note, my second book, The Island of the Mist, is now available on both Kindle and paperback formats:
And paperback:
and in the US:
And you can still obtain the first book, The Stone in the Sword:
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Dark of the Moon
Tonight will be the dark of the moon, the night before the new moon. This is a very good time for banishing or ridding yourself of anything you do not want, for contacting the spirit world and for working on any inner issues. It is a very good time for really taking a look at yourself on a spiritual and an emotinional level.
The dark of the moon is a time of transition, of making choices, of stepping into the unknown. Hecate (or Hekate) is the goddess of this 'realm'. She is the keeper of the crossroads and the initiator, and indeed many initiations would be carried out at this time, for mystery schools.
So what can we do at this time of month? Look within. Connect the with dark energy, get to know your dark side (dark does not = evil in this, it is merely the things about ourselves that we keep hidden). This is the time to seek out the hidden within as well as without.
If you are thinking of being intiated into something, this is the best time of the month to do it, right before the new moon.
Blessings of the dark moon.
As you may be aware, I have writtena book, available on kindle and now paperback. It is available in Europe as well as the UK:
and the US:
Thursday, 26 July 2012
July into August
This is a doing time of year. We want to be outside, moving aout, feeling the sun on our skin and smelling the breeze from the ocean. On the 21st of July we crossed from the Month of the Woodpecker to that of the Salmon. Salmon start their trip from the sea back to the rivers for spawning around this time. It is all about action. What do you need to do? What actions are needing to be carried out in your life at the moment?
We have also entered into the Holly tree from the oak tree. This occurred at the start of July,. the 8th. I always think of the Holly tree asa winter tree, so this surprises me every year!
Today (26th) is also the first quarter of the moon. So this is very much a doing time. If you want to do something, now is a very good chance.
As we approach August and the temperatures rise (or fall in the Southern hem), we come closer to the harvest that is Lughnasadh, or Lammas to many. In the Southern hem this is the time of Imbolc, of new beginnings, of brining Bride back into the home. For us in the north, it is a time of preparing for the winter ahead. We approach, slow and steady, like a galleon on open seas, the darker, colder days and try to make as ready as we can everything we will need to face that.
Lughnasah is about the feast. It is a time of games, of doing, competing and sharing. We need to gather for the coming time of less.
I've already seen chanterelle muchrooms in the woods! Quite early, as are the masses of rwan berries on the trees, a sign that winter will arrive earlier than usual. Many of the berries were already red and abundant, which is, I was always told as a child, a sign of a harsh winter ahead. it's a sign that the trees are trying to send out as many berries as possible to ensure some take and grow.
Bit of a babble this blog! Making things for Lughnasah, from pies and cakes, to stews and breads, cooking is part of the festival of light that is Lughnasadh. If you have children, play games and get them involved, if not, find games you can play yourself!
Enjoy the harvest!
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
holly tree,
oak tree,
Monday, 9 July 2012
Many pagans and witches especially go in for healing. Be it Reiki, Bowen therapy, Alexander Technique, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Crystal Healing etc, we all feel the need to heal. One thing many people do not do is heal themselves. As a Reiki master, the first thing we are taught, and teach, is healing yourself. This is what level one is all about. However, I know from experience that lots of us do not bother healing ourselves after this initial period and yet it can be so very beneficial.
Some forms of healing are not practical to do on yourself, Shiatsu for example, but for those of us who have been taught a form of healing that we can do on ourselves, why do we not bother with ourselves?
We are all very good at preaching but practising what we preach can be a great deal harder. While we may have excuses for not healing ourselves, such as time, tiredness etc, we know they are just that, excuses. |If we are really not well then no, we cannot heal ourselves but when we first start to feel that cold coming on, or fatigue etc, it is worth sitting ourselves down for a few minutes and offering our body what it needs, a little bit of TLC.
Another thing we can do for ourselves is taking ten minutes a day to re-connect with self. Meditating, yoga, taking a walk outside or just relaxing in a bath for this short amount of time is vital for our physical and emotional wellbeing, as well as our spiritual growth.
Meditation can be especially beneficial - 10 minutes can equate to an hours sleep. Stretching can increase stamina, flexibility and circulation of blood and oxygen through our body. Just ten minutes walking will give you fresh air and make you feel more connected with the earth and ground you!
I have written a book:
and in the US:
Friday, 29 June 2012
Spells - how to do them - intro
Many of us want to do a spell but don't know where to begin. There are so many books out there that talk about spells but how do we go about making our own?
Magic is about affecting change in, hopefully, a positive way. We are trying to bring something into our lives, or remove something from our life, depending on which part of the moon phase we work with.
First things first. Intent. You cannot simply ask for money. You need to have a goal for the money in the first place - 'I really need money to pay this bill/buy this car/repay this friend' etc.
Same for anything else - 'I want this job, as long as it is right for me' or 'keep my home safe'.
Think about what you want and have a particular request. Vague = no result.
Using planetary magice can boost your request, so you think about what you want, say a promotion or new job. Jupiter is the Planet of success/career and legal matters, so you would work your spell on a thursday. A royal blue candle would be used and cedar/nutmeg etc would be the oil/incense. If you are using candle magic, run the oil onto the coloured candle (beeswax is better for your health and the environment, as it doesn't contain paraffin).
Think about your goal as you rub the oil along the length of the candle. You can ask your patron god/dess, angel or whomever you work with, or simply ask Jupiter (god and planet) for this. see yourself getting that promotion/new job. See yourself happy and doing the work. Light the candle and hold it, continuing your visualisation.
Do this for several nights of the growing moon (if it is a waning moon, you could ask for obstactles to your goal to be removed (as long as it harms none and doesn't remove relationships you want to maintain)). Remember that you can work with either phase of the moon, just think about it in a specific way. You want to bring new, healthy approaches into your life, waxing moon. You want to lose weight or stop smoking - waning moon etc.
On the last night, bind the spell. you could do this every night but it seems more logical to do this on the last night, as the spell is then complete.
Starhawk has a good binding a spell in her book, The Spiral Dance - 'When you have finished casting a spell, visualise yourself tying a knot in a cord wrapped around the symbol or image on which you have focused. Tell yourself you are setting the form of the spell....Say,
By all the power
Of three times three,
This spell bound around
Shall be.
To cause no harm,
Nor return to me.
As I do will,
So mote it be!'
This should be done when the candle has burned down completely. you can thrown any remains in a fire if you have access.
Then let the spell go. Do not keep thinking about it. You have put it out there.
Whether you use candle magic, cord magic, talismans or whatever form the spell takes, binding it completes it and states to the universe that this is what you wish to bring into your life (or the life of a friend).
Intent is key.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Give thanks and get tactile!

Giving thanks is not the first thing many pagans think of, except at the end of a ritual, thanking any beings that have been asked to attend.
At this time of year especially, when food is so abundant and the weather is (hopefully) half decent, it is a good time to give thanks. Thanks for the bounty, for the sunshine, for the fresh air and the people you love around you.
This is also a psychological benefit, especially for people who are suffering depression or are in a rut. thinking about what you have, rather than what you don't have can be uplifting and have a positive effect on the way you view yourself and life around you.
Whenever I am down because life has thrown me a whammy, I like to think that ok, this sucks, but at least I have...
The gods honour us in so many ways, it's nice to think about them and offer a small prayer or offering.
Something else that I love about this time of year is the abundance of food. Most pagans I know love their food. I am no exception and finger food is one of the most sensual, enjoyable ways to eat at this time of year. Summer is an especially good time, as we are less likely to be having soups/stews/casseroles, and more likely to be having salads/burgers/fajitas/hummus/strawberries etc. getting your hands on your food, especailly at a barbeque is a wonderful way of feeling closer to your food, to nature and adds a new dimension to the food itself.
My book is now available in paperback as well as Kindle. It is aimed at early teens as well as adults, so if you know anyone who might be interested, please pass the links on. Thank you and have a wonderful summer!
Here is the link and the description:
"The Old Ones wove the light of the world into that small stone, a part of the primordial fire from whence everything formed. That small stone has the power to end everything as we know it"
16 year old Charlie Larson leaves California for 6 weeks in the Scottish Highlands. Before long he is thrust into a new world of magic, myth and mystical beings where he is the only person who can rescue his kidnapped brother and save the human world!
Taken from Celtic/Scottish lore, this story weaves the modern world into the fabric of the Sidhe (fairy) world in rural Scotland.
finger food,
give thanks,
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Blessed Summer Solstice

god energy,
summer solstice,
Sunday, 10 June 2012

summer solstice,
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Spring is now in the air!
The flowers are blooming, the grass is green and the birds are singing their hearts out. Spring is here with a vengeance!
This time of year is less about inner work and much more about external work. We want to be outside, in the air, with the sun on our skins. Ok, in Scotland, the latter is often harder to get a hold of but we all feel like doing a Julie Andrews in the 'Sound of Music'!
Getting out, even just for a wee walk, is re-connecting with nature. Feeling the ground beneath your feet is a way of drawing earth energy into us. Drawing air into our lungs blows out the cobwebs.
Beltain is fast approaching and this is a wonderful time for fertility magic, for any form of creative magic and for beginning new artistic projects. This is when we are most connected with the earth, when we feel the 'sap rising', the wonderful energy from below that is brought up in the Spring to keep us regenerated through the Summer.
Enjoy the waking of the earth!
A great book to get you going, a book that has pagan references and Sidhe/fairy/fey featuring is this:
This time of year is less about inner work and much more about external work. We want to be outside, in the air, with the sun on our skins. Ok, in Scotland, the latter is often harder to get a hold of but we all feel like doing a Julie Andrews in the 'Sound of Music'!
Getting out, even just for a wee walk, is re-connecting with nature. Feeling the ground beneath your feet is a way of drawing earth energy into us. Drawing air into our lungs blows out the cobwebs.
Beltain is fast approaching and this is a wonderful time for fertility magic, for any form of creative magic and for beginning new artistic projects. This is when we are most connected with the earth, when we feel the 'sap rising', the wonderful energy from below that is brought up in the Spring to keep us regenerated through the Summer.
Enjoy the waking of the earth!
A great book to get you going, a book that has pagan references and Sidhe/fairy/fey featuring is this:
Friday, 30 March 2012
Springtime has arrived!
Planting a seed at this time of year is both therapeutic and a way of connecting with the earth. This can be used in many ways, from simply being a symbol of your commitments to something/someone to working earth magic, or some initiatory spell, such as a new start.
Choose a seed or bulb of a flower/plant you like and know well. As you plant it, visualise whatever you are planting it for, so if it is a new business, see it flourishing. If it is the hope of love, see yourself happy rather than with anyone in particular.
Really getting your fingers dirty is part of the key to this, feeling the soil on your skin. There is something tactile about this act and it does bring you closer to your environment, even if only on a micro-scale.
Planting a tree is another option. I would use this for a large project or in memory of someone you love.
Many people mistakenly call this Ostara. This is, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, ignorance that has been perpetuated. Ostara was an April Goddess and was never linked to the Spring Equinox. Whichever Goddess/God you feel is right, in a maiden phase is best, would be very suitable here.
Choose a seed or bulb of a flower/plant you like and know well. As you plant it, visualise whatever you are planting it for, so if it is a new business, see it flourishing. If it is the hope of love, see yourself happy rather than with anyone in particular.
Really getting your fingers dirty is part of the key to this, feeling the soil on your skin. There is something tactile about this act and it does bring you closer to your environment, even if only on a micro-scale.
Planting a tree is another option. I would use this for a large project or in memory of someone you love.
Many people mistakenly call this Ostara. This is, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, ignorance that has been perpetuated. Ostara was an April Goddess and was never linked to the Spring Equinox. Whichever Goddess/God you feel is right, in a maiden phase is best, would be very suitable here.
Spring time,
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Fool Moon
Imbolc has passed and I have been ridiculously busy! The full moon is almost upon us and mischief is in the air, so I strongly recommend fooling around, espeially if you are looking to become pregnant :D
Now is a wonderful time for fertility magic and for working toward anyhting new, creative, fertile!
Bright blessings :D
Now is a wonderful time for fertility magic and for working toward anyhting new, creative, fertile!
Bright blessings :D
Thursday, 19 January 2012
The Year of the Dragon 2012
This year see in the Year of the Dragon in Chinese Astrology. A Water Dragon year at that. It is rather early this year, commencing on the 23rd of January, when it normally occurs around Imbolc time, or at the very end of January.
The Dragon in Chinese mythology is a divine creature, a good luck and good fortune symbol. People born in this year are respected. If you were born in 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or, of course, this year, you are a dragon (unless born early January of the year).
Dragon people are free spirits and don’t believe in following the rules. They tend to be extroverts, colourful, flamboyant and creative. They are very proud people and given their need for freedom, often don’t have many very close friends. They value their independence highly.
Water calms the ferocious dragon and increases perceptions of others. Good decisions tend to be made under a water dragon year.
Because Dragons tend to be so fortunate, many people wish to have babies born in the year of the dragon, and so there is always a baby boom in China on these years.
For more information, have a look at this wonderful website:
My book has just come onto Amazon - a children's story. Here is the link in case you are interested:
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Starting the Qabalah - Malkuth
Now is a good time for beginning the qabalah. At this time of year we are more inclined to study and meditate and so the qabalah is a wonderful tool to work with now.
The qabalah is a tool, much like tarot, numerology etc and can be studied for a couple of years or over a lifetime, depending on how deep you wish to plunge into each sephiroth.
Malkuth is the recommended starting point on the Tree of life. Malkuth is the sphere or sephiroth that governs the Earth. The correspondences are:
Colours - black, olive, russet, citrine
Angel - Sandalphon (pronounced San-dal-fon)
God Name - Adonai ha Aretz (as it reads - ai at end of adonai sounds like aye)
Angelic Chorus - The Ashim
Incense - sandalwood
Magical Image - Young maiden, on a throne, crowned
Gifts - Crystals/gem, wheat/grains & perfumes/oils
Crystal - smokey quartz or rock quartz
It is a good idea to begin a course or get a decent book on the qabalah when beginning the tree of life. They will take you on a meditation where you venture into the tree and help you raise the pillars of balance within your temple. You will meet the angel, the magical image and be given the relevant gifts. This is a wonderful exercise that brings surprisingly speedy results. But it has lessons too. Malkuth is the sphere of discrimination among other things, and it helps you to discriminate in life when you need to. It forms the base of your tree and while you can technically start in other spheres, this gives you the foundation and grounds you for the high works later on.
The tree of life looks and is complicated but it is do-able. Taking your time, not expecting to instantly know everything or expecting instant results will make the pathway all the clearer and smoother.
If you struggle to find a decent course or a book that helps, contact me and I'll see what I can do to help.
On another note, I have written 3 books. 2 are part of a series set in Scoltand about the Sidhe, fairy folk. Available on kindle and in paperback:
The Island of the Mist is book 2
The Stone in the Sword is book 1
The 3rd book is an adult, sexy witchy werewolf/vampire story set in New York and featuring a strong female lead character, again available in kindle and paperback formats:
The Wolf, the Witch and the Coffin
Sunday, 8 January 2012
The year ahead - dates for your calendar in paganism
Many pagans seem to be under the incorrect idea that all pagan festivals are fixed to one specific date of the year. This is not the case. The solar festivals (both equinoxes and solstices) move every year. Some days they are on the 20th, the 21st or the 22nd of the corresponding month. This is because there are very slight changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The majority of pagans simply celebrate on the 21st of the month but this is not always the actual date of the solstice or equinox.
For instance, this year, the dates are as follows:
Spring Equinox - 20th March
Summer Solstice - 20th June
Autumn Equinox - 22nd September
Winter Solstice - 21st December
The agricultural festivals are not as fixed as many imagine either - these are dates for actual agricultural events as well. The only exception is Hallowe'en, or Samhain. This is a fixed date as it is the date the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. But the others can alter slightly. For instance, Imbolc, usually celebrated on the 1st or 2nd February can be earlier or later, depending when the first snowdrops appear and the first signs of life begin to show. Equally, this is the same of Lammas, the wheat harvest, can be earlier or, more commonly, later.
Personally, I tend to feel that Beltain is more like Hallowe'en. It feels more stationary, less mutable. This would make sense, given that these dates are the reverse in the Southern Hemisphere.
So when Imbolc comes around and you haven't spotted any snowdrops pushing up through the ground, hold off celebrating a few days until they appear. Likewise, if the first harvest hasn't happened in the countryside near you, wait a few days. If you can't tell re Lammas, then go ahead and celebrate around the 1s August but it is always better to feel more attuned to the seasons, and to the energies of the sun.
Friday, 6 January 2012
Special Full Moon on Mondaysm, witchcraft, spells
This Monday (the 9th of January), is the full moon. A full moon falling on a Monday is especially fortuitous for magic/spells/divination and any psychic workings. Monday is the day of the week represented in planetary magic as the Moon and a full moon is where the power reaches its peak, so it is one of the most powerful times for working with this type of energy (the only times when it is more powerful is when it falls on a blue moon and on Halloween).
So all those witchy types out there get your spellcasting to the ready, this is the best time to do this.
Finally, a wee note re New Year resolutions. The reason so many of these fail is that they should be done around Imbolc rather than at the very start of the year. Imbolc is all about new beginnings and January is the clearing time, a time of ridding certain things. If you want to get rid of negative thought-patterns or negative eating habits, then now is a good time but if you want to begin a new health regime/fitness programme etc, it is best to do this at Imbolc.
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